Mark Endersby

London and South of England · (+44) 07825 736844 ·

A British Army officer with twelve years’ experience in leadership, management and security technology. A Global Operations and Relationship Manager with experience in building successful teams from disparate organisations who then delivers results in challenging situations. A Project Manager who has successfully delivered change for an organisation of 750 people across Europe.

Key Achievements

Business Development

Implemented an enduring relationship with the US Army mission command training programme which shares best practices from operations to enhance team performance.

Relationship Management

Successfully managed the fusion of Afghan National Army units with UK and US forces during two separate six month security operational deployments.

Project Management

Project managed a large scale deployment of 1000 personnel that cost £17M; the organisation was recognised as the highest performing team across the Brigade.


Developed a graphic based solution to showcase technology capabilities to senior stakeholders.

Operations and Communication

Proven ability from operations to adapt my communication style to cross cultural, language and technology barriers to enable high performance in demanding environments.


Job title


Roles and Responsibilities



Cranfield University

Master of Science (pending)

Security Technology

June 2015 - Present

Defence Academy of the United Kingdom

Post Graduate Diploma - Strategic Leadership and Management
Intermediate Command and Staff Course
January 2016 - August 2016

University of Plymouth

Bachelor of Engineering
Civil and Coastal Engineering
September 2001 - June 2005

Skills & Projects

Programming Languages & Tools
  • To fill
  • To fill
  • To fill
  • To fill


I enjoy rugby, running, skiing and diving; I hold both commercial and sports diving qualifications. Outside of sporting pursuits I enjoy reading and understanding foreign cultures. I am well-travelled having recently visited the USA and South Korea.


  • Managing Succesful Programmes (MSP - Foundation)
  • Project Management Qualification (PMQ)
  • Bloomberg market Concepts (BMC)
  • Strategic Leadership & Management (L7 Extended Diploma)